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Button for AWS Lambda

Hook-up UI components directly to AWS Lambda functions. Just install Buttonize and deploy your CDK. That's it.

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CloudFront Invalidation Panel


Cognito Management Panel


EC2 Instance Control Panel

Build your own app

import { Distribution } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudfront' import { HttpOrigin } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudfront-origins' import { Buttonize } from 'buttonize/cdk' import { CloudFrontInvalidationPanel } from 'buttonize/library' Buttonize.init(this, { apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' }) const yourDistribution = new Distribution(this, 'YourDistribution', { defaultBehavior: { origin: new HttpOrigin('google.com') } }) new CloudFrontInvalidationPanel(this, 'CloudFrontPanel', { distribution: yourDistribution, paths: ['/*', '/users', '/en/lp/mega-campaign'] })
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Infrastructure as Code²
The most crucial aspect of building cloud native apps

At Buttonize we realize how important IaC is and that's why we decided to embrace it as a first class citizen. Our fully-managed "Frontend-as-a-Service" platform is completely driven by IaC and fully integrated with popular IaC tools such as AWS CDK.

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Buttonize CDK integration
Solve real-world business problems with Buttonize
Identity verification
Customer support
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Data integrations
Run actions in your AWS

Run actions directly in your AWS environment from your apps, without any data passing through Buttonize servers. Simply connect your form inputs and actions to lambda functions. From there, the possibilities are endless.

How Buttonize Works
Stand on the shoulders of giants

Use primitives built by AWS such as Lambda Functions, and integrate with our UI component platform, all while keeping their access secure thanks to AWS IAM.

Fully managed service
No data goes through our infrastructure
Control access with a permission system
All user actions are recorded to your AWS CloudTrail
We obey the least privilege principle
Invoke AWS API directly from the browser

By utilizing AWS IAM we are able to interact with resources in your AWS account directly from the browser. No data flows through our infrastructure.

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Develop locally

Developer Experience is the number one priority and that's why we support local development with hot reloading of the CDK code.

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Origin story
Buttonize was founded by two experts from completely different fields: Filip, an expert in AWS cloud architecture and Ales, an expert in UI/UX. Both of them saw the problem of anything cloud-related having ugly and overwhelming UI. That's why they decided to join forces and build Buttonize, which enables cloud developers to build nice-looking, secure, internal apps connected directly to the cloud.

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With ❤️ made in 🇨🇿

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