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Lambda Invocation Form


Create a simple user interface for your team to directly trigger lambda functions. No need anymore to build cumbersome frontends, auth and APIs just to trigger some internal lambda functions.

LambdaInvocationForm construct is a simple way how to enable anyone in the team to execute custom built lambda-based automations.


  • Easily invoke a lambda function
  • Define arbitrary number of input fields
  • View JSON result of the invocation
  • View invocation logs
  • Rerun the previous invocation
  • Display custom instructions to give a guidance to the users


Input page

Lambda Invocation Form App preview

Result page

Lambda Invocation Form App result preview


import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib'
import { NodejsFunction } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs'
import { Buttonize, Input } from 'buttonize/cdk'
import { LambdaInvocationForm } from 'buttonize/library'
import { Construct } from 'constructs'
export class ExampleStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props)
Buttonize.init(this, { apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' })
const discountGenerator = new NodejsFunction(this, 'DiscountGenerator', { entry: 'src/discount-generator.ts' })
new LambdaInvocationForm(this, 'DiscountGeneratorForm', {
lambda: discountGenerator,
name: 'Discount code generator',
description: 'Generate discount for unhappy customers',
fields: [
id: 'email',
label: `Customer's email address`,
placeholder: 'example@domain.com'
id: 'discount',
label: 'Discount value',
options: [
{ label: '30%', value: 30 },
{ label: '60%', value: 60 }
instructions: `Sometimes there is bug in our e-commerce system and we need to offer our customers a discount to keep them **happy**.
This tool generates a discount code for the customer and displays it on the following page.`,

Lambda function source code

interface FormEvent {
email: string
discount: {
label: string
value: number
export const handler = async (event: FormEvent) => {
console.log(`Generating discount of value ${event.discount.value} for customer ${event.email}`)
return {
discountValuePercent: event.discount.value,
discountCode: `${Math.random()}`.split('.')[1]

Lambda invocation event sample.json
"email": "john.doe@example.com",
"discount": {
"label": "30%",
"value": 30

Simplified key-value fields definition

Buttonize uses Input.text component for the input elements.

new LambdaInvocationForm(this, 'InvocationForm', {
lambdaArn: 'arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<account-number>:function:<function-name>',
fields: {
name: 'What is your name?'
Same like:
fields: [
id: 'name',
label: 'What is your name?'

Lambda invocation event sample.json
"name": "John Doe"
New repository
npx create-buttonize --template library/lambda-invocation-form --api-key=YOUR_API_KEY
Existing repository
import { Buttonize } from 'buttonize/cdk'
import { LambdaInvocationForm } from 'buttonize/library'
Buttonize.init(this, { apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' })
new LambdaInvocationForm(this, 'InvocationForm', {
lambda: yourLambdaFunction,
fields: {
name: 'What is your name?'
npx cdk deploy
npx cdk destroy
npm buttonize
github LambdaInvocationForm.ts
Additional resources

Buttonize X.com profile Buttonize GitHub profile

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